Abstract/Full-length Paper Submission

Author(s) can submit abstract(s)/full-length paper(s) in one of the following submission options .

Option 1: Full-length Paper Submission

  • Author(s) can submit full-length paper(s) of 6 to 8 pages.
  • One author registration fee can cover up to a maximum of two (2) technical papers.
  • Any additional submission will require a co-author to register.

Option 2: Abstract Submission

  • Author(s) can submit abstract(s) of 2 pages (maximum).
  • On acceptance of abstract(s), author(s) will be invited to submit full-length paper(s) of 6 to 8 pages. However, the submission of full-length paper(s) is optional.
  • One author registration fee can cover up to a maximum of two (2) technical papers abstracts.
  • Any additional submission will require a co-author to register.

Link to the Submission Portal: Click Here

Template for Abstract/Full-length Paper

Click on the following links to download MS Word template

MS Word Template for Abstract/Full-length Paper